“Exhaustion is not the measuring stick for success.”

[Amanda Frances, Financial Empowerment Leader]

Everyone wants more time.

And gurus are constantly flooding our feeds telling us that we all have the same 24 hours in a day and that it comes down to how we prioritize and manage our time.

Which is true – to an extent. We all have 24 hours in a day and understanding time management is important.

But, we DO NOT all have or use the same 24 hours in a day.

  • A parent uses their 24 hours differently than someone without children.

  • A caregiver …

  • A person who works multiple jobs …

  • A person with a physical disability …

  • A person with anxiety or depression …

  • A person living in poverty …

  • A person with ADHD …

  • A person living in an unsafe environment …

  • An entrepreneur …

Everyone accesses, uses and leverages time differently.

Why? Because we prioritize things differently. We have different needs.

Different schedules. Unique circumstances.

Which means, what works for one person, doesn’t always work for another.

And although many individuals, especially business owners, do struggle with time management and organizing their time, I believe challenges with time management, task management and organizational behaviour are symptoms coming from ONE root cause…

You can’t leverage something if you don’t know how you actually use it.

If you don’t understand how you use your time AND your capacity specifically, you will not be able to leverage your time to its full potential nor identify what needs to be prioritized.  AND you will likely fall prey to burnout.

Burnout and chronic stress are being felt by hundreds of thousands of people around the world today. What differentiates burnout from stress are feelings of apathy and exhaustion.

You are depleted from your very core - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

If a light bulb or epiphany of sorts just went off in your head, I want you to know – there is a better way.


September is the perfect time for a business RESET!


Stop Overthinking and Start Planning!