My Start-up Journey
I have started 8 businesses in 20+ years and worked with over 5,000 entrepreneurs to help them start and grow their businesses.
In 2023, I decided that my main goal and intention was to help and work with as many people as possible to understand the potential that entrepreneurship brings to your professional development, your financial goals and the lifestyle that you sit and daydream about.
Being your own boss — it’s not just a career choice. It’s a lifestyle!
Unpopular opinion ... Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone.
It is a lifestyle that will impact all aspects of your life. It is a constant learning experience that with the right support, guidance and community from the beginning, you can be unstoppable. It can be a phenomenal journey like no other that will take you places and provide freedoms and opportunities that your 9-5 job doesn’t have the ability to fulfill.